Expression of Interest - Details

Eoi Name:
Feasibility Studies For The Construction And Operationalisation Of A Commercial Portable Water Processing And Bottling Factory
Pack #:
Post Date:
21st May, 2021
Submit Date:
18th June, 2021
Tender Cat:
Consultancy Services

Environmental Protection Agency

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Liaison Group for Mining in Production Forest Reserves (LG) has received funding towards the cost of Community Development Projects (CDP) within the Ajenua Bepo Forest fringe communities, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services for the feasibility studies for a commercial portable water processing and bottling factory project for the Akyem Amanfrom Community.

The overall objective of this assignment is to prepare a comprehensive feasibility studies on the proposed bottled and sachet water project for the Akyem Amanfrom community towards the development and upliftment of the community and its inhabitants both socially and economically.

The specific objectives of the assignment are to develop a comprehensive risk assessment on the investment, the implementation of the joint-ventureship between the Amanfrom community and the private investor in development and operationalization of the project, profitability analysis, break-even analysis etc.; provide a comprehensive market analysis and marketing strategies for profit, develop corporate operationalization and governance systems considering the complexity of the project; provide assessments and recommendations on scaling and dimensions for the project and cost estimates on the total cost of construction, installations, furnishing and operationalization of the project within one year from commencement for profit based on the various data, including primary and secondary, during the study; provide data-informed siting recommendations for the factory among others; provide staffing and logistics needs for the scale proposed; provide advice/recommendations on all the legal and administrative processes required for such a venture; and provide a full scale operational plan for at least three years to ensure profit.

The consulting services (“the Services”) include providing a situational analysis of the siteing of the project and the relevant legal and institutional frameworks of the sector; stakeholder analysis and mapping to classify stakeholders and engage targeted market hubs; identification of business objectives that support project outcomes; developing key performance indicators; detailed analysis of the industry to understand the bottled water and sachet water production and supply chain dynamics within Akyem and the surrounding areas, main producers within the catchment area, suppliers of water to the locality and surrounding areas, who the main competitors are, supply chain structure and weaknesses, price, among others.

Also, a detailed market assessment to estimate the availability of market for the project and the potential size and complexity of the market. This should cover the main market segments, size of each segment, brand preference and reasons, untapped market and unmet demand. Market information shall be collected by the consultant to support the analysis. Provide a proposed size of factory, production capacity and other details informed by the industry and market data.
In addition, the consulting service shall determine the suitable organizational requirement including governance, personnel, etc., and the respective associated costs; determine operational and logistical requirements for the project; sales, marketing and organizational/operational strategies; detailed financial analysis with forecasts; risk and impact analysis of the project on the community in which the project will be sited as well as on the adjoining communities.
The estimated level of effort (professional staff-months) is 8 staff-months. The duration of the assignment is estimated at two (2) months and the assignment is expected to start in August 2021
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) now invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the above named Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The shortlisting criteria are:

1. The core business of the firm should be business development, marketing and organization growth and development, financial management and forecasting, investment analysis and advisory, accounting and auditing, financial and institutional sustainability.
2. Firm should be legally registered in Ghana and in good standing and must have Five (5) years of experience in undertaking similar assignments and requisite managerial and technical capability.
3. Experience in working in Ghana and with government institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations and local community projects in Ghana in the last five (5) years.
4. Minimum of five (5) years of the firm’s experience must be in conducting feasibility studies, market research and financial analysis.
5. Firm must demonstrate a good track record in conducting feasibility studies, financial analysis and viability, as well as business advisory services for business enterprises in the past five to ten years.
6. The lead consultant must have a minimum qualification of a Master’s degree in relevant fields with a minimum of ten years’ professional experience. The team must include a qualified financial analyst (minimum of five years’ experience), a community and business development expert (minimum of five years’ experience), development/investment planning expert (minimum of five years’ experience) and an economist (minimum of five years’ experience).

Further information could be obtained at the address below during office hours, i.e. 0900 to 1600 hours, each day till the submission date.
Source of Funds:
Internally Generated Funds
Greater Accra
Accra Metropolitan District

Contact Person:
The Executive Director, Environmental Protection Agency (Liaison Group for Mining in Production Forest Reserves, Ministries, Accra
Email :
Tel :
0302-664698/ 662465/ 667524
Fax :