Prequalification Details

PRQ Name:
Fiscal Electronic Data Management Software/ Manufacture Of Fiscal Electronic Devices (FED)
Pack #:
Post Date:
21st May, 2018
Submit Date:
21st June, 2018
Price of PRQ Document:
Tender Cat:
Technical Services
The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) intends to apply part of its Budgetary allocation to fund the cost of the “Development, Installation and Maintenance of the Fiscal Electronic Data management Software”, Tender Number: 71/GRA/2018 AND/OR “Engagement of Manufacturers of Fiscal Electronic Devices (FED)” Tender Number: 78/GRA/2018

Prequalification will be conducted through prequalification procedures specified in the Public Procurement Act, 2003 (Act 663) as amended, by Act 914 (2016) of the Republic of Ghana and is open to all tenderers from eligible source countries, as determined by the Public Procurement Authority of the Republic of Ghana.

Interested eligible Tenderers may obtain further information from and inspect the prequalification documents at the Ghana Revenue Authority, Procurement Unit .

Ghana Revenue Authority
IT Services
Source of Funds:
Internally Generated Funds

Contact Person:
Commissioner-General Ghana Revenue Authority Starlet 91 Street P.O Box 2202 Accra, Ghana
Email :
Richard Dabri
Tel :
+233 54 406 5811
Fax :