Expression of Interest - Details

Eoi Name:
Consultancy Services For The Implementation Of Gexim’s Cassava Enterprise Project
Pack #:
Post Date:
02nd April, 2019
Submit Date:
09th April, 2019
Tender Cat:
Consultancy Services

Ghana Export-Import Bank
The Ghana Export-Import Bank (GEXIM) intends to apply part of its budgetary allocations to payments under the contract for the provision of “Consultancy Services for the Implementation of GEXIM’s Cassava Enterprise Project”.

Background Information and Rational
As a response to the challenges in the Cassava Industry, and to take advantage of the potentials thereon, the Ghana EXIM Bank initiated a project dubbed ‘Cassava Enterprise Project’. The Project, which is a redesign and a continuation of the Cassava Integrated Enterprise Development Project (CIEDP, phase 1), seeks to improve and commercialize the use of cassava through cultivation, processing and marketing of its derivatives.

Specifically, it is aimed at developing and strengthening access to inputs; ensuring adequate and sustainable production and processing along the value chain; improving the capacity of cassava farmers and fostering entrepreneurial mind set; improving access to finance along the value chain; improving access to technology for processing and commercialization to achieve quality, consistency and quantity and enhancing access to domestic and international market.

Phase one of the Project involved support for nuclear and out-grower farmers to cultivate cassava for processing in factories that were constructed with financial resources from the Bank. It also involved support for seed multiplication.
Under phase two, ten (10) enterprises will be selected to cultivate five hundred (500) acres of cassava each. Also, processing equipment will be acquired for these enterprises to produce their cassava into chips for export.

Scope of Work
Generally, the consultant will be tasked to provide technical support in the project implementation and monitoring.

Role of Consultant
The Consultant is required to perform the following roles (list not exhaustive):
1. Provide general technical advice in the project implementation to produce the expected project results
2. Provide extension services to beneficiary farmers to ensure adherence to cassava production protocols
3. Provide technical advice in the identification and selection of suitable technologies/machineries/equipment for beneficiary farmers for increased, sustainable production and processing
4. Provide support by identifying markets (both local and international) and linking beneficiary farmers to same
5. Provide technical expertise in the production, on-farm propagation and distribution of improved planting materials
6. Assess knowledge gaps of participating farmers and conduct relevant training sessions to enhance effective projects implementation
7. Provide support in organizing forums /periodic review meetings for selected actors along the cassava value chain
8. Prepare and submit periodic report on the project to management of EXIM Bank Ghana
9. Provide support in monitoring project implementation
10. Identify and select tractor service providers subject to concurrent approval by the Bank

The contract will be for a period of 24 months with an option to renew for additional 12 months based on satisfactory performance.

GHANA EXIM BANK now invites eligible Consultants to indicate their interest in providing the consultancy services for the implementation of GEXIM’s Cassava Enterprise Project. Interested Consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (description of similar assignments undertaken by key staff, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.). Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications.

The Consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Public Procurement Act, 2003 (Act 663) as amended of the Republic of Ghana. The firm must present the following:
1. Business Registration Certificates (Incorporation & Commencement of Business)
2. Valid Value Added Tax (VAT) Registration Certificate.
3. Valid Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) Tax Clearance Certificate.
4. Valid Social Security & National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) Clearance Certificate.
5. Valid PPA Supplier Registration Certificate.

Proposed Team
Interested Consultants or firms should possess a team of highly knowledgeable, experienced and result-oriented members with proven track record in the industry and must possess:
• Each member of the management team should at least possess a Degree in Agricultural Science or its equivalent with at least ten (10) years post qualification experience in cassava plantation development, cassava processing technology, soil engineering, agronomy, pest and disease management, agribusiness, etc
Source of Funds:

Contact Person:
The Chief Executive Officer, Ghana Export-Import Bank, P. O. Box MB 493, Export Trade House, Ambassadorial Enclave. Liberia Road Ridge-Accra
Email :
Tel :
+233 (0) 302 234 668/9
Fax :
+233 (0) 302 234664