Expression of Interest - Details

Eoi Name:
Consultancy Services For Design And Implementation Of School Management System
Pack #:
Post Date:
09th February, 2022
Submit Date:
25th February, 2022
Tender Cat:
Consultancy Services

Ghana Communication Technology University (GCTU)
IT Services

GCTU intends to procure services in the design, development and implementation of a School Management Platform (SMS) project. The SMS is a comprehensive solution that streamlines the complete student lifecycle from enquiry to graduation as well as administrative processes such as Hostel, Library, Human Resources, etc. The expected solution shall integrate the processes of the entire institution and reduce manual interventions to the barest minimum where possible. This will lead to increased efficiency and greater control and provide an effective interactive tool between the institution and all stakeholders including students a communication channel between the various institution’s stakeholders thus serving as a good interaction tool and promoting a conducive learning environment.
This Request for Expression of Interest (EOI) invites companies/firms suitably qualified and experienced financial and technical advisors to provide GCTU with the services below.

1. Pre-admission/Admissions Management
2. Student Information System
3. Finance & Fees Management
4. Academic Programme Management
5. Academic Registration
6. Examinations Management

7. Library Management
8. Human Resource Management
9. Certificates and Documents Management
10. Hostel Management
11. Security, Archiving and Backup

1. Hosting
2. Integrations with other existing systems of the Institution and other open education resources
3. Performance Expectations
4. Expected Implementation Process

Eligible firms should provide information and verifiable evidence demonstrating that they have the requisite expertise and relevant experience to provide the services. The shortlisting criteria are:
(a) Core business and number of years in business;
(b) Technical and Managerial Organization of the firm;
(c) Availability of appropriate skills among staff;
(d) Firm's experience in similar assignment; and
(e) Firm's experience in working in similar conditions/environment.

Interested firms must provide information (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, appropriate skills among staff etc.) indicating that they are qualified to perform the services required. Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications.

Interested firms should also provide the following as part of their Expression of Interest:
1. Evidence of legal status of the firm (i.e., Certificate of Registration and Certificate to Commence Business).
2. Evidence of previous works (similar) executed in the last five (5) years. (Provide a brief description and contacts for reference)
3. Proof of valid registration with Public Procurement Authority (PPA).

4. Curriculum Vitae (CV) of key technical and managerial staff for the proposed assignment.

A firm will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Public Procurement Act, 2003 (Act 663) as Amended of the Republic of Ghana specifically Quality Based Selection (QBS).
Source of Funds:
Internally Generated Funds
Greater Accra
Accra Metropolitan District

Contact Person:
Ghana Communication Technology University P. O. Box MB 100 Accra North, Tesano, Accra Reception, Main Administration Block Accra, Ghana
Email :
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