Expression of Interest - Details

Eoi Name:
Engagement of Advertising Agency For Production Of Demand Generation Materials
Pack #:
Post Date:
16th October, 2013
Submit Date:
15th November, 2013
Tender Cat:
Consultancy Services

Nursing Training College - Korle Bu
1. The Ministry of Health/Ghana Health Service and Development Partners has developed a Millennium Development Goal Five (MDG5) Acceleration Framework to identify the constraints to implementation of existing plans and strategies and to explore the reasons why pregnant women continue to die in Ghana.

2. The Ghana Health Service is prioritizing maternal health as an important focus area for the country. The current high Maternal Mortality rates and lack of progress in reducing Maternal Deaths in Ghana have made this focus critical. GHS is trying to address these obstetric and neonatal care and postnatal care for mothers and newborns. These are to be promoted against the back drop of a consistent and effective behavior change communication to tively modify community and provider beliefs, knowledge, attitudes and practices.
As part of Millennium Development Goal five (MDG5) plan, there is the need to create demand for service.

3. The Ghana Health Service now invites eligible Advertising Agencies to indicate their interest in providing these services. Interested Advertising agencies should provide information indicating they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, curriculum vitae etc) Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications.
Source of Funds:
Internally Generated Funds
Greater Accra
Accra Metropolitan District

Contact Person:
The Procurement Department Ghana Health Service Limb Fitting Centre, Tema Station Near Rent Control P.M.B. Ministries, Accra
Email :
Tel :
(233) 0302 687853
Fax :
(233) 0302 687853