Tender Details

Tender Name:
Procurement of 1 No. Server, 2 No. Infinibands, 1 No. Printer and Consumables for the Digital Development Technologies Research Laboratory under KEEP Project, KNUST.
Tender Type:
Package No:
Post Date:
27th June, 2022
Closing Date:
15th July, 2022
Ghana Cedi
Price of Tender Document:

Tender Description:
Procurement of 1 No. Server, 2 No. Infinibands, 1 No. Printer and Consumables for the Digital Development Technologies Research Laboratory under KEEP Project, KNUST.
Additional Information:
1. The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, Kumasi invites sealed tenders from eligible Tenderers for the procurement of the above items.

An eligible Tenderer in the Public Procurement shall possess the following documents:

i. Business Registration Certificate (Renewal Mandate required);
ii. Valid Tax Clearance Certificate;
iii. Valid SSNIT Clearance Certificate;
iv. VAT Registration Certificate; and
v. Valid Public Procurement Authority’s Suppliers Registration Certificate.

Tendering will be conducted through the National Competitive Tendering (NCT) procedures as specified in the Public Procurement Act, 2003 (Act 663) as amended and in the Guidelines of the Public Procurement Authority of the Republic of Ghana.

2. Interested eligible Tenderers may obtain further information from the Procurement Office, KNUST, Kumasi and inspect the Tender Documents at the same Office from 8:00am to 4:00pm each day, starting from Friday, 24th June 2022.

3. A copy of the complete set of tender documents could be purchased at a non-refundable fee of GH¢300.00 each. The payment of the fees shall be made in the name of the tenderer to the following bank account:

Name of Bank: GCB Bank (KNUST Branch)
Account Name: KNUST Production Unit
Account Number: 6031130000971

4. Complete sets of Tender Documents in English may be purchased by interested Tenderers on the submission of a written application and the original copy of the Bank’s Receipt to the Procurement Office, KNUST, Kumasi.

5. The Completed Sealed Tenders shall be delivered to the tender box at the address below on or before the time and date specified in the above table. All Tenders shall be valid for a period of 150 days after the deadline of tender submission.

6. Pre-Tendering Conference Meeting shall come off on Friday, 8th July, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. prompt, at the Procurement Office Conference Room, KNUST. All prospective Tenderers are encouraged to participate to enhance their responsiveness and competitiveness.

7. Late tenders shall be rejected. Tenders will be opened in the presence of the Tenderers’ representatives, who choose to attend the meeting at the address below on the date and time specified in the above table. All tenders shall be accompanied by appropriate Tender Security indicated in the above table or Tender Securing Declaration as stated in the Tender Data Sheet.

8.Tender Security: GHc4,000.00
Source of Funds:
Internally Generated Funds
No. of Lots:

Kwame Nkrumah University Of Science And Technology (KNUST)
Kumasi Metropolitan District
Contact Person:
Gardiner Conference Room (Great Hall), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana.