Tender Details

Tender Name:
Supply of Printers with Scanners
Tender Type:
Package No:
Post Date:
08th October, 2024
Closing Date:
30th October, 2024
Ghana Cedi
Price of Tender Document:

Tender Description:
5. Package No: GR/ND/NCT/G/PS/005/24
Description: Supply of Printers with Scanners
Quantity: 25 pcs
Additional Information:
1. The National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO) intends to apply part of its budgetary allocation to fund eligible payments under the contract for the supply of the following items as per schedule of requirements listed in the table below.

2. The National Disaster Management Organisation invites sealed tenders from eligible suppliers for the supply of the items as per schedule of requirements in lot.

3. Contract may be awarded to the lowest evaluated tenderer subject to satisfactory technical specifications and other conditions.

4. Tendering will be conducted through the National Competitive Tendering procedures as specified in the Public Procurement Act. 2003 (Act 663) as amended by Act 2016 (Act 914) and guidelines of the Public Procurement Authority (PPA) of the Republic of Ghana.

5. Interested eligible tenderers may obtain further information from the National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO), Headquarters within the hours of 8:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 3:30pm each working day on Tel Nos.: - 0243327640/0302-964882. (Room 9)
6. A complete set of tender documents written in English language may be purchased by interested tenderers on the submission of a written application in English to the address below and upon a payment of a non-refundable fee of Three Hundred Ghana Cedis (GH¢300.00) payable in cash for a set of documents at Room 9.

7. Tenders must be marked clearly with contract number and description of product and may be delivered to the address below in Room 9 on or before Wednesday, 30th October, 2024 before 10:30am prompt. Late tenders shall be rejected. Tenders shall be valid for a period of 90 days after deadline for tender submission. All tenders must be accompanied with a tender security of 2% of the contract or tender price.

8. All tenders must be addressed to:
The Director General
National Disaster Management Organisation
P. O. Box CT 3994
Cantonments – Accra
Tel: 0302-964882/0243327640

9. Individuals, companies or suppliers tendering must attach the underlisted documents to their response as evidence of their ability to provide such services.
a. Valid IRS TAX Clearance Certificate
b. Valid VAT Registration Certificate
c. Valid Company Registration Documents
d. Lists of Clients (Companies Worked for)
e. Company Profile
f. Valid SSNIT Certificate
g. Valid PPA Certificate

10. Tenders will be opened in the presence of the tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend at the National Disaster Management Organisation Conference Room at 11:00am prompt on Wednesday, 30th October, 2024

11. Location: Near Brigade Quarters off the Kanda Highway Kawukudi Junction Road or behind the 37 Military Hospital.
GPS address GA-009-7802.
Source of Funds:
GOG Consolidated Fund
No. of Lots:

National Disaster Management Organization
Greater Accra
Accra Metropolitan District
Contact Person:
The Director General