Open Tenders

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Adansi North District Assembly
The Adansi North District Assembly now invites sealed tenders from eligible contractors with D3K3 and above for the construction of the following project; Construction of 1No. District Police Station ....
16th June, 2022 Deadline : 20th July, 2022
Adansi North District Assembly
Lot 1: Construction of Male Hostel at Fomena Nursing and Midwifery Training College at Fomena Lot 2: Construction of 2No. Mechanised borehole with overhead tank at Fomena National Fire Service and Dompoase ....
17th August, 2021 Deadline : 14th September, 2021
Adansi North District Assembly
The Adansi Asokwa District Assembly intends to apply part of its District Assembly Common Fund (DACF) to fund eligible payments under the contract for the procurement of the under listed ....
16th July, 2021 Deadline : 30th July, 2021
Adansi North District Assembly
Procurement Of 1 No. Cesspool Emptier.
24th August, 2018 Deadline : 19th September, 2018
Adansi North District Assembly
Construction Works at Adansi North District Assembly; Lot 1: Construction of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with other ancillary facilities at Fumeso Ketewa Lot 2: Construction of 1No. CHPS Compound at Dawden Lot 3: ....
14th August, 2017 Deadline : 30th August, 2017
Adansi North District Assembly
Renovation of Bechem Hospital - Construction of OPD / Administration Block.
30th August, 2012 Deadline : 14th September, 2012